Michal Levin: The Soul’s Path
The Soul's Path is my interactive online study course. If you want to develop your intuition, go deeper in to spirituality, encourage your creativity, find meaning and purpose in life, have problems with relationships, or address a host of other issues, this is the place for you. It is an interactive and profound online study course based on my teachings and writings. The course aims to awaken your ability to sense energy both within yourself and in the environment. Then it teaches you how to interpret that energy, and understand what it means and how to use it in all areas of your life, including relationships, work, family, while developing your intuition and spirituality, as well as much else.
What does The Soul's Path teach?
You learn to hear the whispering of your soul - your deepest truth - and the lessons they hold for your personal development, and for the greater good.
Because this course teaches you ways to access and work with the energy within you and around you, it can dramatically improve your relationships with all others - from intimate relationships to family and work relationships. It increases your understanding and so your functioning in all areas. It can help you become more authentic, true to yourself, and more appropriately powerful through an understanding of energy. It can help reduce stress and introduce more joy into your life. There is very little that The Soul's Path does not touch and have the potential to transform.
What support is there?
To help you on your Soul's Path some of the wonderful people who have worked with me over the years - or are from your local region, remember there are people from all around the world on The Soul's Path - are offering, at no charge, to act as Friends to those studying The Soul's Path.
When you sign up, you will be allocated a Friend. Your Friend will help you to share and benefit as you travel through the course. You can find out more about some of the Friends from the bios that follow. Of course, if you prefer to work alone, you can do so.
What next?
Once you have completed The Soul's Path successfully, there are other options of working in groups directly with me, on the phone, to go ever deeper.
To Learn More click here...
Sign up for The Soul's Path here
What people say about Michal's online course:
Whether you are seeking personal transformation or to increase your experience of well being, Michal is a deeply caring and profoundly wise guide. Her multifaceted programme supports participants in significantly shifting their energy and experience of life through deceptively simple daily practice. The connection with a spiritual friend and other participants, adds to the enjoyment and richness of the experience.
Gill Avery, Cofounder Consulting Women