"Michal is the J.R.R. Tolkein of the soul." - Brett Denbow, USA
Healing Energy
Around the 17th of each month I record and publish an intuitive message to subscribers. My Intuitive Message is a monthly message that I write to guide you and act as your compass to navigate the energy of the month ahead. It is also a way for me to send healing energy to you. It is not simple, but I think you'll be surprised at what it says to you - often something different to each person - and at what it can do for you.
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The Monthly Intuitive Message is a poem that is specially crafted to help you line up with the energy and vibrations of the month ahead. You can read it or, even better, listen to it, over and again through the month.
Listening to the MIM often through the month might stimulate your creativity, deepen your meditation and open you up to possibilities you were not even aware of before.
It can help with problem solving or simply provide you with an opportunity to connect with Michal for clarity and a little extra strength.
I send healing energy to everyone who receives the MIM.
Some subscribers like to join a Sunday LinkUp. It is a weekly opportunity for us all to connect with each other, wherever we happen to be in the world. We "meet" every Sunday at 8pm UK time, sitting where we are, quietly, and listening to the MIM.
It is open to all subscribers of the MIM and offers the opportunity to connect with each other "virtually", to listen to and contemplate Michal's message and guidance with the support of the wider group.
Click below to read, or listen to, a recent MIM.
A glimpse of a recent MIM:
In a Vase Shape January 2024
My curtains are closed,
There's a sense of space and security,
A moist velvet darkness that stretches for miles
In this place at the end
Of the known world...
Some amazing responses from readers to one month's Monthly Intuitive Message ...
"White Clouds: "The first time I listened to this, I was going deeper and then some background noise intruded. I was annoyed and stopped without finishing. Next morning I determined to stay focused on Michal's voice, "focus on the clouds, focus on the endless landscape they cover....". I began to "... unwind, allow your self to unravel, and stretch yourself endlessly into the sky", and "go beyond ....". Beautiful. Deeply peaceful.
from Anna Frost, Australia.
Sarah, from the UK, took the photo below, inspired by this month's MIM:
"I'm on holiday here in Northumberland and the sky is vast - I feel a connection with all that is good in the world."
The Monthly Intuitive Message is special. Listening and reading the message, it works deeply within. It helps expand the whole of me. I find it can apply in different ways to many aspects of the month ahead. Although I can 'tune in'anytime, I have benefitted over the years from the connection time together."
Paul Lidgate, Senior Nurse, UK
"My experience working with Michal has been a slow journey. Slow like a caravan traipsing across the countryside, its banners waving in the wind, frequently stopping, in no rush to be anywhere in particular. Slow like the procession of the seasons. Slow like being waist-deep in some rich and detailed fiction I constantly pick-up, read a few pages and place down again to absorb the steady trickle of new perspectives and insights on ordinary things I've never considered before. Michal is J.R.R. Tolkien of the soul.
Placing the MIMs into my own energy has expanded my breadth, width and depth. There are no fireworks. Those have their place, but silence is for the every day. And, when I find myself sitting in silence, I feel like I am sitting inside an MIM.
My internal world is now softer, with more nuance and texture, a permanent golden hour of stillness I return to again and again.”
I feel as if I am having a session with you when I hear it (the MIM) and just reading the words is very powerful too. I can't join the LinkUp on Sundays because of other commitments, but I turn to it often each week. It seems to bring me strength and clarity. I've written in the past about how you seem to "know" what is happening in my life. This week the images of the snakes and the sand were so appropriate to my current issue. After living with the ELU for a few days I knew what I needed to do! Thank you, it's really effective.
M.P. Europe