





It’s September and the season, and the energy, of the year is changing again.

In the northern hemisphere it is harvest time, and in the Christian western world a time to give thanks for the bounty of the land. Actually with globalisation, our stores are pretty full most of the year. But harvest time still has a special good feeling for me.  Driving or walking through the countryside and seeing fields of stubble, where the corn has been harvested, is somehow very satisfying, (even if as a world we may be growing too much corn.)

It is the cycle of the seasons, a primordial power that pulses through the land, whatever part of the world you inhabit.  Above all, I feel September is a time to give gratitude and to enjoy simply being alive.  That’s especially true this year.

It has been a very hectic summer (northern hemisphere summer) with great turbulence politically and economically throughout much of the world.  But, despite the chaos in our universe, whether that’s our global universe or our private worlds, or both, we’ve reached September and the autumn equinox. The cycle of life goes on. Energetically this is actually a time of “uplift”.

This summer has brought several high spots for me personally. My life long love of horses has been indulged on many occasions, most notably with a lovely day at the Goodwood races, a quintessential English event.  It really is fun to watch a horse that wants to win race, ears pinned back, almost smiling, galloping over a gorgeous course, with the beautiful South Downs in the background. (For once I am going to put aside all the moral issues which I know surround this sport, and all sports, and say simply that sometimes it can be truly ethical, and plain fun.)

I had an amazing day too as the guest of a major world class breeder at their so called “stallion day”, when they showed off their beautiful, powerful stallions, each with a strong looking handler, holding a chain lead to the animal’s head collar, rather than the usual leather leading rein. Every single one looked immensely pleased with himself, often prancing in very high spirits.  Made me wonder at the fact that in the Middle Ages creatures like these (only much sturdier as the Arab strain had not yet been introduced) were the mounts of fighting men, a common sight across the land, and trained for battle.

Then there was a lovely weekend at my favourite spot in France, Deauville. Once Deauville was an elegant, fashionable resort, now it’s a slightly obscure, rather faded seaside destination, still with its beautiful wide beach, traditional market and gorgeous food- very French.

Of course I had lots of time in the garden, or cooking (I love cooking), ordinary family time, which is always a privilege. As ever there’s the Birth family, sometimes complicated or variegated for almost everyone, and the Values Family. I am very much looking forward to spending time with my Values Family later in September in France.

Meanwhile, may I remind you of the Sunday LinkUp, where, as part of the Values Family, we can all LinkUp on a Sunday, wherever we are in the world. In case you don’t know about it, or have forgotten, I’ve asked the Team to explain how it works, again. I look forward very much to connecting!

May the months ahead bring you much peace, and joy - energetically this is an easier, forward going phase, make the best of it.











From the team:

Michal keeps in touch with the values family through the Monthly Intuitive Message (MIM), that's the monthly intuitive message that she sends out that you can listen to or just read. This intuitive message helps to guide you through the month ahead. It's amazingly effective, for many it stimulates creativity, deepens meditation and aids problem solving.

There are many people around the world who resonate with Michal’s teachings and the Sunday Link Up offers a way to connect with each other “virtually” – by joining in meditation, on Sundays at 8pm BST (UK time). Michal encourages you to listen to the MIM, meditate, contemplate and let yourself receive and connect.

The MIM used to be called the Energy Link Up (ELU) because it is a way of linking with Michal’s energy. But too many newcomers were puzzled at that notion, so we changed the name to something that might be easier for someone new to the process to understand.

You can sample or sign up to receive it here. Everyone on The Soul's Path receives it free of charge as does everyone in Circle Group.


In the newsletter this time, Friends speak about the effect of working with Michal and their experience of the MIM and the Sunday LinkUp. 

Anna, who lives in Australia, explains how her decision-making process has changed since meeting Michal, many years ago...

From Anna:


Anna: Making choices from a place of inner balance.

In the Circle group we've been discussing decision making in our lives.  I remember the first question I ever put to Michal.  I wrote to her stating in part,"'I want to make decisions which are my own, my responsibility", and which will "bring me closer to maturity, independence, fulfillment".  At that time my expectation was that I could accomplish this goal in two or three years... all it would take would be a few 'tools' and some work with a very intuitive teacher. Then I could go my own way making better choices in my life.

Michal replied in a way that deeply touched me.  I felt a recognition in what she said, but only recently have I begun to understand the fullness of it.  The understanding comes from working with Michal in her unique way of teaching, practicing the specific chakra meditation (LEAP), and listening to the monthly intuitive messages (MIM) and connecting with other students with the Sunday Link Up.  Then going out into the everyday and experiencing, learning, applying some new perspectives, and checking in with the Circle group monthly to look at how and what I have integrated.  Sort of like a revolving door.

Making choices was once sometimes angst ridden or worrying, or on the other end of the spectrum, giddy with excitement.  And all those decisions in the middle were based upon what I thought to be the logical solution, or what I felt to be the right thing to do.

Now, decision-making is becoming an increasingly balanced, supported and grounded exercise…. and at times includes my intuition as I learn to trust those feelings.  I'm more relaxed about the process now as well - if I make a 'wrong' choice I'll work with it, adjust it, and change it or my perspective.


Tina, who lives in the UK, describes her experience of working with the Monthly Intuitive Message and the “soft waves of energy” she feels when connecting during the Sunday Link Up.

From Tina:

Tina experiences soft waves of healing energy during the LinkUp

Looking out from my back door across the garden I see the first signs of the end of summer. I feel the usual pang of sadness, it always seems to end too soon!  But it’s another turn of nature’s wheel, and better to allow momentary sadness and move on with natures rhythms.  The process of letting go has definitely been one of Michal’s teachings that has helped me along my path, I know I wouldn’t have gone into that process so deeply without her guidance and energy. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working with her unique teachings and insight into life, it’s reality and deeper dimensions.

I look forward to receiving the MIM each month. It’s a deceptively simple thing to do to listen, relax and just allow the flow of the message. But I know Michal’s energy is working to bring me, us all, to a state of balance where we feel true contentment. Often listening to the MIM I sense soft waves of energy cascading over me, healing taking place. It’s wonderful!


If you would like to try out the Monthly Intuitive Message (MIM) you can sample or sign up to receive it here. If you can, try listening to it and join “virtually” with others in meditation during the Sunday Linkup, at 8pm UK time.

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Autumn.