Every Thursday 6.15 - 7.15pm in Kemptown, Brighton
An Evening of Meditation with Visualisation
Come and join us for meditation! A chance to explore and experience the benefits of Michal Levin's teachings. The Michal Levin Brighton Meditation group meets for an hour every Thursday, with a tea break afterwards. Here's what we'll be doing:
Visualisations We'll do two very useful, easy visualisation exercises to help ready you for the meditation that comes next.
Meditation with Michal's Monthly Intuitive Message (MIM)
We'll meditate using Michal's most recent Monthly Intuitive Message.
"The MIM is a monthly message that I write to guide you and to act as your compass for the month ahead. It is also a way for me to send healing energy to you. The words of the MIM may not be simple, but I think you'll be surprised at what it says to you - often something different to each person - and at what it can do for you." Michal
For more information on the MIM click here
The group will be led by Rosalynd Ward, a TV producer who has been working with Michal for many years. "Working with Michal has been an anchor and a source of wonderful strength in my everyday life. She teaches us to be wholly ourselves, balancing the myriad elements of our being and "opening the door" to an energetic reality that I feel very lucky to have experienced. I'm so glad that we'll have the opportunity to share this work with others in a Brighton group."
Ros will be joined by Kolinka Zinovieff, who runs an Organic Essential Oil company and Retreat Centre who has also worked with Michal for many years. "If feels so important to connect deeply and regularly with like-minded people; to find and strengthen our grounding and centre and inspiration and perspective. I particularly love the nourishing combination of visualisation and deep meditation. Working with Michal for many years has been the most transforming, inspiring and deeply moving experience, at times challenging. I have never met anyone who holds such deep energetic vision, wisdom and love."
Extra session: 2 - 3pm on the first Sunday of each month starting in 2020. An opportunity for anyone who is already part of Michal's Values Family, or further afield, to join the group. Michal Levin's teachings address the whole of you: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The work will help you to find balance in all these areas and become more integrated, grounded and able to experience life vividly and with joy.
For more information on Michal's work, please explore this site or read her inspiring autobiography The Pool of Memory, the Autobiography of an Unwilling Intuitive.
Dates: Every Thursday Location: 12 Royal Crescent, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1AL Cost: £5 per session Time: 6.15-7.15pm, followed by a tea break. Contact: Please email or telephone Kolinka with any questions: kolinka@michallevin.com or 07958207219
House rules: No alcohol or smoking of course. Please seek medical or therapeutic advice if you have any physical or emotional concerns about attending the group, participants are responsible for their own well being.