MICHAL LEVIN institute

The home of Michal Levin's teachings

Michal Levin spiritual teacher


"If you want to be the best you can be, to be your most empowered, creative, authentic, joyful self, for your own good, and for the good of the whole, please let me help you because that's exactly what I want for everyone who works with me.

Whether you come to me for an individual reading, or work in a group, or come to a retreat, or connect with me on my interactive online course, The Soul's Path, or simply listen to my Intuitive Message (MIM) every month, your development, increasing your happiness and well being, and your contributions to the whole - that's our world - is my aim.

Every month I have a number of slots for individual readings either for about an hour, or for half an hour. Look at the section on Individual Readings under Work with Michal for more information and client feedback. Then, I hold a number of regular groups, which are hugely satisfying for all of us. The oldest, the Circle, has been running for more than 20 years. It is now closed, but there are others from intensive groups with three or four participants to a group with about ten members. If you would like to join a group working with me, please send me an email to consultations@MichalLevin.com.

Finally, I hope you have a chance to look at my paintings some of which are in the shop. Visual art has been important to me since childhood. Today my pictures are 'born' spontaneously, from observation, or sometimes meditation. Both the world within and the outside world are powerful sources of inspiration. I try to imbue the energy I read and transmit in my intuitive work into these pictures and allow it to radiate from them. You can see some examples here.

So, if you have issues - and we all do - and you come to work with me, I'll do my best to use my intuition and perspective to help you rise above and beyond your boundaries and to benefit from the process. If you have dreams or desires, it will be my job to help you bring them to fruition in the best possible ways. If you want to be human, truly human, this is the place to gain support and inspiration. And if you want to join with others with the same intention to follow the sacred, age old path, we will welcome you.

I hope you'll find the information you need here, but if not please send me an email, Michal@MichalLevin.com and I'll be happy to help. I look forward to working together.

Travel well,

Go well, be well




"Michal Levin has a very special gift. Intuitively she guides those who seek her help to shift and move on from a place where they are experiencing pain to one where they will have an opportunity to find peace and fulfilment. I know because she did it for me." - Anne Robinson, Television Presenter, UK

"My friend Michal Levin is a guide to the ultimate secret, the secret of who and what you truly are ... in the deepest, highest, part of you." -  Ken Wilbur, Author, Philosopher, USA

Listen to an extract from Michal's last Healing Call in which she talks about dealing with the pain at the end of a relationship:
and listen to another extract from a previous Healing Call:

Regular Fixtures in 2024

Monthly Intuitive Message (MIM) - Michal's Healing Energy message, 17th of every month. 'Poem' and recording available to subscribers.

Virtual Online Meditation - group meeting on the first Saturday of the month at 5.30pm UK time and on the third Saturday at 9.30am UK time. Contact Hilary@MichalLevin.com.

Brighton Meditation Group - contact kolinka@nhrorganicoils.com

Bay Area Leap Group - contact felicity@michallevin.com


Welcome from Michal

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